We kindly inform you that the controller of your personal data is vfullstack (PVT) Ltd with the address in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Your personal data will be processed only for the purposes of completion actions that were commissioned by you. The data will not be disclosed to entities other than authorized on the basis of current law provisions. The legal basis for the processing is a consent given by you. You have the right to:

  • request from the controller access to, rectification and erasure of personal data, restriction of processing, to object to processing as well as the right to data portability
  • withdraw given consent at any time. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
  • lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (GIODO)

Giving the personal data is voluntary. The processed personal data will be stored till the withdrawal of consent given by you (you can do so by sending email to: or till the realization of actions assigned by you.

Contact details of the controller:
vfullstack (PVT) Ltd;
Contact details of the administrator of information security / data protection officer
Jayampathy Balasuriya;


What are cookies?

Basically, a cookie is a tiny text file that gets stored on your computer or mobile device by a website’s server. Each cookie is unique to your web browser and will hold anonymous information about the website visit. This information comprises a unique identifier, the website’s domain name, and a few other details. What types of cookies does vfullstack use?

Analytical cookies

These cookies allow vfullstack and third-party services to collect aggregated data for statistical purposes on how visitors use the website. You can rest assured that all the cookies collected by vfullstack do not contain personal information, such as names and email addresses and are only aimed at improving the user experience.

Advertising cookies

While we do not permit third-party advertisements on our website, we do use advertising cookies to provide our frequent visitors with relevant and customized service offers from vfullstack. Also, note that we promote our offers and services on other sites and some of the sites on which we advertise may use cookies to store information about offers and services in which you have shown an interest as you browse the web. How to delete cookies? If you want to restrict or block the cookies that are set by our website, you can do so through your browser setting. Alternatively, you can click here, for more comprehensive insights into how to do this on any browser or device. You will find general information about cookies and details on how to delete cookies from your device. Feel free to contact us in case you have any questions in regards to this cookie policy or our use of cookies

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